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1:1 Weightlifting Coaching (1 session pw)
$75.00 AUD
Approx $46.73 USD
+ $75.00 weekly
Urban Base Fitness is built for athletes by athletes and high level strength and conditioning coaches. Providing you with an elite level
facility and the tools necessary to improve your sports performance and optimise your athletic potential
The UBF Base Weightlifting Membership includes:
- 1:1 coaching session every week with weightlifting coach
- 1:1 Strength Testing
- Individualised, periodised program on a 4 week block
- Training load management
- Access to TeamBuildr, including video analysis of some of your lifts
- Coaching through weightlifting competitions you enter
- Access to "Weightlifter Hour" sessions if doing 2 or more 1:1 sessions per week
Membership payments are processed weekly in advance.