We were all hoping for better news last week but I think we knew the restrictions wouldn't ease in the Hunter. The flow on effects of this was the cancellation of many winter competitions for the remainder of the 2021 season. Despite those cancellations Team UBF wants to congratulate to you all for a well planned and executed preseason and in-season program and for achieving great results even if they were cut short. We can't wait to see what you can achieve in 2022!

Thank you for your support and flexibility this week in changing the format of your training. By all accounts it has been a success given the circumstances!

In line with today's health advice and the extension of the Newcastle / Hunter Lockdown by one week, Urban Base Fitness has developed a response keeping the health and safety of our members and our trainers at the centre of all decisions.

Hi and welcome to the first ever Urban Base Fitness blog post! All of our blog posts and series will be designed to provide you with the most up to date information surrounding everything training, recovery, and all other things gym and our UBF community related.

Our first post is going to be regarding commercial versus private gym facilities. We will highlight some of the main differences between commercial gyms vs. UBF. Such as; quality of trainers, injury, recovery, load and athlete monitoring, form and technique, and athletic focus.

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